On occasion, I feel like my life could be television show. I have requested a camera crew. I encounter scenarios on a daily basis, that I wish I made up (not including work). The eye drops. I went for an eye exam, mainly because my left eye had been extremely blurry. I just thought that my vision had worsened and it was time for a new prescription. After attempting to read the eye chart, the doctor put these florescent yellow drops in my eyes. These drops detect any abnormalities. My left eye was covered in corneal abrasions. The right eye had some, but not enough to compare to the left. Doctor asks if I have dry eyes and I said no. Wells, apparently I did/do. He did not feel comfortable enough to proceed with the exam. So we stopped and I was advised to take OTC eye drops 5 times a day in each eye, with gel in both eyes at night, AND hot compress for 20 minutes each day. Who has the time? I did this for one week and went back to the doctor. It did not improve at all. So now in additio...
Welcome to my crazily amazing life. Welcome to Brunner Street.