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Why are you crying?

Wells, I was crying because God has been showing me amazing things over the past week. I mean, He always does, but flying part of this trip to Tucson has been amazing. On Wednesday morning I left Huntsville at 5:45am (Shout out to GB for dropping me off at the airport). I was able to watch the sunrise, from above the clouds. It was nothing short of spectacular. At that time, I was listening to Head to the Heart, by United Pursuit. The second verse sings, "My heart is open wide, I will receive Your light, You give me faith like a child, In You my heart runs wild." As I saw His light, it seemed so fresh and new. I smiled as tears ran down my face: people looked and I didn't care. And then I could not sleep, so I grabbed a book out of my bag, The Best Yes. It was given to me by a dear friend, it's good stuff. I am still reading it now, and underlining all sorts of stuff.
When I land tonight at 6:30pm, I will have been able to watch the sunset from the same view. 
As I boarded my flight in Tucson this morning, I was able to sit next to a nice lady who was flying to Michigan to visit family. I had a window seat and she had a middle seat, and it ended up that our aisle seat was empty. We were making meaningless (what I thought) conversation about flying and family and where we live. She asked me what I did, and as I responded, "I am a drug and alcohol counselor," she began to cry. She asked if I knew of a program called TEEN Challenge, in which I responded, "yes, we work with that program at my church." This lady, who I had never seen in my life, begins to tell me the real reason that she is flying home. She stated that her daughter has been struggled with an addiction to pain pills for many many years and she has been clean for 11 days and she was about to begin a TEEN Challenge program in Michigan. Except, that her daughter passed away on Monday. She was flying home to bury her child, her daughter. This lady says, "Wow, God knew what He was doing when I booked this flight last night." She and I talked about her daughter and how her daughter had received Christ as her savior a few days ago, when she was completing paperwork for TEEN challenge. This lady had recently been to Michigan, when her granddaughter was married 4 weeks ago. We were able to talk about addiction and forgiveness. It was beautiful. I ended up seeing her again after the flight, due to both of our gates being changed. 
In addition to that amazingness, I was able to spend one week with some great family. We shared laughs and schoolwork, meals and target trips, and early nights to bed. 
I would tell you about Germany, but I'd have to hurt you. So I won't. 
On a weightless note, I will weigh in the morning.
Crying isn't always about sadness. It can be about divine appointments.


You give me
faith like a

in You my
heart runs


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