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How Many Pounds?

( started this like 12 weeks ago, life got chaotic ... let's pretend that it is March)
So, Leap Day 2016, I entered CRMC (with my amazingly supportive moma) and registered in the pre-op area. This day came sooner than I anticipated, but again...The Lord has His timing. For those of you wandering (and that did ask) no, I was not nervous. I wasn't nervous about the other surgery either. It just felt like it was the next-step (shout out to my new friend Ben, who is having his VSG as I type). I believe that the Lord covers us in a calm, when it's something that it suppose to happen, when whatever it is, is part of His plan. And sometimes His plan is crazy town.
Yancy was my pre-op nurse and that sweet soul prayed over me before they took me back. Thankfully, I don't remember a lot once I got into the Operating Room. I do remember seeing Phillip, Justina, and Blake. They are all familiar and calming faces. Then I woke up in recovery, only slightly nauseated (YAY Phillip). The recovery staff was great (Mel, I do remember seeing you). If you haven't noticed, I know a lot of these surgery staff members. See, my mom is an OR nurse and has been almost my entire 31 years, so I have grown up with these people. Especially Suzi, who called me during those middle school years, to help me not be late for the bus. She always calls me sunshine (and I do not wake up well). 
During the surgery, they removed 19 1/2lbs .... NINETEEN and ONE HALF, of skin and tissue. Let's say that my sense of balance has been off.  The incision is large and is healing well. They salvaged my belly button, which was not a sure thing! I am one week post-op today. Everyday I feel a little more human and get a little stronger. I am thankful for the prayers and messages. I am thankful for my co-workers holding the CCTC fort down. I am thankful for my moma who has been beyond great during this process. (She was also in the OR).

I am now 10 weeks post-op. I am feeling incredible. I am thankfully back at the gym, I have missed the dear sweet elliptical. I watch netflix or listen to pod cast whilts I workout, it helps the time to pass quickly. Again, do what works for you!
My weight has remained the same since after surgery, getting back in the gym will help that number to drop. But hey, yay me for not gaining any weight over the past 10 weeks.
Clothing wise, I am now in an XL top and 14./16/18 jeans. I  have some pretty amazing ladies in my life who have cleaned out their closets and shared the goodies with me! It is so great to wear clothes that fit.

For the sake of people who are pansies, I will not post any photos of my incision... but it looks great! I will share some recent photos so you can see how fabulous I look. Its okay, it's true.
Me and Mom at Amy and Justin's wedding (Amy, you are MARRIED!)
 Photo shoot with Lauren :) We laughed and almost fell in the pond.
 Just a little before (December 2011 or 2012..) and about 6 weeks ago.
 Amy and the bridesmaids!
you guys! Next month will be one year since my weight loss surgery! 
Love you Big! -Sara


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