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Did you say the D word...Depression?

Let's get honest. I take an anti-depressant. My name is Sara Linkous and I suffer from Depression (along with some other things). I have taken anti-depressants in the past, for a year or so. And several months ago I was in a funk. I was at my PCP's office and he mentioned something about depression and I teared up, he put his hand on my shoulder and said something like "We're going to work on this" or "it's ok," I don't remember what he said, but it gave me hope.

I have regained some of the weight I lost. My thyroid issue was not under control (it is much better now), my lymphatic system was not working, my hyper-somnia was worse... I was kind of a mess. But I bet you couldn't tell. I would put on a happy face for work and church and family (some family members saw through it a called me out, thank you).

Depression is a freaking jerk. I am doing better, there are more good days than bad.
I don't say this for sympathy, but to encourage you to talk to someone about how you are feeling (I know it sounds all "counselor like,", but hey, I am one). Don't feel like you are alone. Fight for your health, mental and physical. You know you better than anyone else.

I am a YouTube watcher and stumbled across this video today and I am going to share it. The one statement that stuck with me was “The key to healing, is taking away the shame."(*side note, another good statement that I heard that is related to addiction was this, "we are not going to arrest our way out of this," but I'll address that another day*)

People Didn't Believe My Mental Illness  

Much Love,



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